For those that have followed our whole journey - THANK YOU - we really appreciate all the reads, likes and retweets and we've been blown away by the number of people who've taken an interest in what we've been doing. This all began as me having a mad idea on a fell so I can't quite believe we've actually done it. To be fair, out of all the mad ideas I've had on fells this is probably the only one that could work in reality - the others generally involve the use of ray guns, personal shields or teleporters.
I would say I'll miss going out in the hills and drinking gin every day but I plan to spend most of the next 4 days doing exactly that! I will miss all the wonderful people we met along the way though - people who took the time to meet with us and allow us to sample their wonderful drinks, and I definitely plan to keep in touch with as many as I can.
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The lovely folks from Virginia House on Day 1 |
So, what's next I hear you ask? Well first of all me and Karen need to get our book written so expect to see that sometime between Easter and Summer 2018. We got along famously during our trek but, as we both said to each other, we rarely spend that much time alone with our husbands, never mind a virtual stranger, so we're both enjoying a bit of a breather today (plus I'm sure Karen is enjoying a break from my ear splitting snoring!)
The success of this project has spurred me on to develop other ideas so, if you're a hiking friend of mine, watch out - I may be descending on your in-box with a harebrained hiking idea for 2018 - I have plenty of ideas brewing, now all I need is a suitable
When the credits roll at the end of a movie the audience generally ignore them as they race for the exit but PLEASE spend a moment to take a look through our credits - we honestly could not have completed this adventure without their support. I wasn't able to add all the fancy clickly links when we were on the road, but I can now, so all you have to do is click on them the links below to give them a "like" and a "follow" - in each case the first link is to their website - THANK YOU! 😊
Literally gin made in a shed in their back garden - love them to bits!
The make stunning crystal for James Bond & Downton Abbey & they're in the heart of Ulverston
Beautiful food, comfortable rooms and a VERY well stocked gin parlour - I'm amazed we left...
Who took the time to tell us what juniper looked like and why it's important for more than making gin
Kin Vodka
Kin Vodka on Facebook
Kin Vodka on Instagram
Judith has SO much passion for what she does and never misses an order - even when she was flooded out during Storm Desmond
Unsworths Brewery
Unsworths Brewery on Facebook
One of two guest ales on our trail - just to make sure we kept our fluid levels up...
Hydroflask on Facebook
Hydroflask on Instagram
Kept our tea so hot we could drink it all day!
Gilpins Gin
Gilpins on Facebook
Gilpins on Instagram
We didn't meet but they were super supportive & a very fine gin!
Cowmire Hall
Properly traditional & very lovely.
Crumble Cottages
Crumble Cottages on Facebook
Crumble Cottages on Instagram
Sadly timings meant we couldn't stay here but they did give us tea and biscuits!
Kendal Mintcake Liqueur
Also make Lakeland Moon Gin
Super green, super tasty and divine in cocktails. The one night we almost can't remember...
Kendal Hostel
Kendal Hostel on Facebook
Our first experience of hostel and very lovely it was too!
Sally's Cottages - The Hideaway Windermere
Sally's Cottages on Facebook
Sally's Cottages on Instagram
After our first very wet day it was wonderful to come "home"
Gingerbread Vodka
Mint Drinks on Facebook
A lovely late discovery
Dodd's Restaurant
Dodd's on Facebook
Fantastic fresh cooked food in the heart of Ambleside
Ginger Bakers
Ginger Bakers on Facebook
Bakers of the best brownies on the planet. Fact.
Armathwaite Hall
Armathwaite Hall on Facebook
Armathwaite Hall on Twitter
So luxuriously perfect I'm amazed they let me in!
Herdy on Facebook
Herdy on Instagram
Because how can you not love a Herdy?
Keswick Brewing Company
Keswick Brewing Company on Facebook
Our second guest ale and home to the utterly awesome Twizy!
Windermere Lake Cruises
Windermere Lake Cruises on Facebook
Windermere Lake Cruises on Instagram
For saving our legs after a very wet hike!
Lakes Distillery
Lakes Distillery on Facebook
Lakes Distillery on Instagram
Brewers of whisky, gin AND vodka - and a fab bistro too!
The Rum Story Whitehaven
The Rum Story on Facebook
A wonderful surprise at the end of a very long trail
And for now, that's all folks! THANK YOU for following and sharing in our adventure - we'll let you know when the book comes out!
CumbrianRambler on Facebook
CumbrianRambler on Instagram
The nut job who wades through bogs in the pouring rain for fun!
LadyHiker on Facebook
Karen Guttridge on Instagram
Who loves the sunshine and pulls a mean pint!
DON'T FORGET OUR THREE BOOKS - perfect as a pressie or just to treat yourself! Click HERE to learn more!
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Click on the pic to learn more! |
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