Cumbrian roads have been in the news a lot since the floods
– images of tarmac submerged, damaged or, as in the case of the A591 between
Grasmere and Keswick, washed away completely have been splashed across the news
pages, websites and social media. We’re
not the first people to try building roads through the Lake District and we’re
not the first to have those roads washed away – there was a flood many moons ago which
swept through what is now Thirlmere, and sent the locals fleeing to the trees
for safety as it swept away everything in its path.
There are old Neolithic trading routes, Roman roads, coffin
trails and industrial routes created to ship materials from quarries in the
hills to the main routes south (there's some great old pics in the Frances Frith books which are well worth a look). The
county’s history can be mapped by studying these wonderful old roads and trading routes and this history is
something that will be recognised and better protected and understood when (not "if" - I'm an optimist!) we achieve World Heritage
Site Status.
High Street - Old Roman Road |
Kirkstone "not quite as passable as usual" |
The A6 and site of the Old North Road |
The Roman route up onto High Street |
Coffin route near Haweswater |
Gatescarth Pass |
Gatescarth Pass |
Approach to Hardknott Pass... |
Damage on A591 |
Fixing the A591 |
To learn more about the bid and to register your support with just one click (honestly, just one click, no email address needed or anything) please visit the World Heritage Bid site
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