I'm just back home after a day or so working in London - for those that don't already know I deliver training courses to groups of poor unsuspecting delegates. I rarely use PowerPoint but needed it for one of my presentations this week and, as I usually do, I managed to find an excuse to sneak in a photo of Cumbria - a nice, big blue photo of the Langdale Pikes that Steve took. This photo in fact:
"Anyone know there this is?" I asked. "Well it can't be the Lake District because it's not raining" came the witty reply. Given the news over the past few weeks I was hardly in a position to argue. Yes it does rain here, and it snows, and it's windy, but it's sunnier on more days than most people ever realise and anyway, the clouds can be fabulous too so I am dedicating day 18 of our advent calendar to a whole pile of Steve's glorious photos of our Cumbrian clouds.
If we didn't have the clouds we wouldn't have the rain and if we didn't have the rain we wouldn't have the lakes and the rivers and if we didn't have all of that we wouldn't be bidding for UNESCO World Heritage Site Status. And if the rain could consider not coming down in quite such a deluge as it did recently, that would be great too.
Cloud Shadows - Mr Oogieboogieman (Nightmare Before Christmas) |
Icebow |
Icebow |
Aurora |
Aurora |
Solar eclipse |
Me! |
Brocken Spectre |
Loved this walk on Helm Crag |
I'm writing this whole series of blogs to support the Lake District National Park Authority as they bid to gain UNESCO World Heritage Site Status for the Lake District National. Pretty please (with jam on!) click here to learn more about the bid and show your support.
To go back to day 1 of the blog, please click
here or scroll the column on the right to see what you've been missing. :-)
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